The Webmaster's Valedictory
Posted by April Scott on 7/1/2014 to
Monthly Newsletter
This is the Webmaster, taking over the page this month.
In 1995, the Internet was a much different place from what it is today.
(13) Comments
It's July 2014, And We Say "Hail And Farewell"
Posted by April Scott on 7/1/2014 to
Monthly Newsletter
On July 11, we hail the 115th anniversary of the birth of E. B. White. If you have followed our site over the years, you know we bow to no one in our admiration of Mr. White as both a master of simple, elegant prose and an owner of – and writer about – dachshunds. It is he who wrote the definitive words on the subject of dachshund training: "Some day, if I ever get a chance, I shall write a book, or warning, on the character and temperament of the dachshund and why he can't be trained and shouldn't be. I would rather train a striped zebra to balance an Indian club than induce a dachshund to heed my slightest command."
It's June 2014, And We Honor A Beautiful Soul
Posted by April Scott on 6/1/2014 to
Monthly Newsletter
On August 11, 2013, my life changed. On that day, my soul mate dog, my "heart" dog, my nearly-constant companion of 12 years physically left me. I didn't speak much of it publicly … it was just too painful. Even now, ten months later I struggle to write this. But I cannot let her first birthday since her passing go by without paying tribute.
Samuel Johnson and Boswell (the Dachshund)
Posted by April Scott on 2/1/2014 to
Monthly Newsletter
Every now and then we come across a book with a dachshund in it, and even though the dachshund is scarcely a main character, we just can't help ourselves. We have to bring it to your attention.
This month, we bring you a trilogy of such books.
It's February 2014, And We Are Wicked
Posted by April Scott on 2/1/2014 to
Monthly Newsletter
"I'll get you my pretty … and your little dog, too!"
It's January 2014, And We Salute A Great Breeding Kennel
Posted by April Scott on 1/1/2014 to
Monthly Newsletter
It's December 2013, And We've Met A Dachsie DJ
Posted by April Scott on 12/1/2013 to
Monthly Newsletter
We've reviewed a lot of books over the years and we've written about a lot of dachshunds. This is the first time we've written about a book before we've read it, and the first time we've written about a dachshund with a career in broadcasting.
It's September 2013, And We're Remembering Our Sweetest Girl
Posted by April Scott on 9/1/2013 to
Monthly Newsletter
A Short Tale about a Long (Deaf and Blind) Dachshund
Posted by April Scott on 8/1/2013 to
Monthly Newsletter
Casper T. Armstrong: A Short Tale about a Long (Deaf and Blind) Dachshund
It’s July 2013, And We’ve Boldly Gone Where No Dachshund Has Gone Before
Posted by April Scott on 7/1/2013 to
Monthly Newsletter
Sammy's back!
It's February 2013, And Frankie Rolls On
Posted by April Scott on 2/1/2013 to
Monthly Newsletter
My journey in life would never be what it is had it not been, nor would this book have come to life, had it not been for my wheelie dog, Frankie. I am no longer the same person I was because of this little dog with a spirit bigger than life itself. I see, speak and think in a new way because of her. I've found a peace about myself I never had before. Though I miss you dearly, little one, the abundant joy you brought to my world lives forever in my heart.
It's September 2012 And We Have Big News … And Even Bigger Plans. We Hope You Will Join Us.
Posted by April Scott on 9/1/2012 to
Monthly Newsletter
We're on a new, life-changing mission here at Dachshund Delights. Not only life-changing for us, but also for homeless senior dachshunds.